Check out this link. It has some do's and don'ts on what to do when you are around a guide dog. The writer seems to be a little rough....but it is the safety of the blind person at stake here. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
DAY 4 - Day 1 in Morristown Center
Tuesday, July 21
5:25 a.m. the loud speaker in my room starts playing a song. If i had a rock, I would have tossed it at the speaker mounted on the wall...haha.
5:30 Feeding time
5:30 "Park" time. It is raining. So I put Kia's harness on and my rain slicker and head out to the parking area. First thing is taking off the harness before letting Kia "Go". Then, convincing her to hurry up...cause it's raining. Kia did NOT go #2 she is on the watch list and I need to know her whereabouts at all times.
7 a.m. Breakfast
7:30 Normally the next "Parktime" would be 11 a.m., but since Kia did not do her #2....we need to go out again (In the rain) and try again. So, harness on....encourage her to go, harness back on (Out in the rain( and then back inside. Success in the #2 thing had to be helped along...send me email if you want to know the trick!!!
8:45 - We were supposed to go into Morristown for our first walk about with our new dogs, but the rain is so bad, they postponed it until this afternoon. So, we had a lecture class this morning in the common room.
1 p/m/ we finally get to go to Morristown to walk and learn the 4 block route that we will be using for the first few days. Learning the intersections, which ones have lights, stop signs, traffic, etc. is still raining and the sidewalks and streets are flooded. I was ankle deep in water for the entire 10 block route. The step soen off the curbs were several inces under water. The shoes I had on, did NOT like some of the sidewalks..they were slate. I was slipping and sliding all over the place...trying not to fall. I did fall TWICE, but just back up and continued on. Kia was awesome. She stopped at every curb and intersection and went around poles and trees. Morristown likes to put little trees in the miccle of the sidewalks.
I was so exhausted by the end of that walk. After getting back to the Seeing Eye, I took a nap before dinner.
At dinner, we all exchange our stories on how it went the first day out in the rain. The dining at the Seeing Eye is awesome...I had some hot tea to help me feel warmer. Felt so water logged!
After dinner, we had another meeting. This tiem, it was about traffic patterns and safety.
So ends another day at the Seeing Eye....ZZzzzzzzz......
5:25 a.m. the loud speaker in my room starts playing a song. If i had a rock, I would have tossed it at the speaker mounted on the wall...haha.
5:30 Feeding time
5:30 "Park" time. It is raining. So I put Kia's harness on and my rain slicker and head out to the parking area. First thing is taking off the harness before letting Kia "Go". Then, convincing her to hurry up...cause it's raining. Kia did NOT go #2 she is on the watch list and I need to know her whereabouts at all times.
7 a.m. Breakfast
7:30 Normally the next "Parktime" would be 11 a.m., but since Kia did not do her #2....we need to go out again (In the rain) and try again. So, harness on....encourage her to go, harness back on (Out in the rain( and then back inside. Success in the #2 thing had to be helped along...send me email if you want to know the trick!!!
8:45 - We were supposed to go into Morristown for our first walk about with our new dogs, but the rain is so bad, they postponed it until this afternoon. So, we had a lecture class this morning in the common room.
1 p/m/ we finally get to go to Morristown to walk and learn the 4 block route that we will be using for the first few days. Learning the intersections, which ones have lights, stop signs, traffic, etc. is still raining and the sidewalks and streets are flooded. I was ankle deep in water for the entire 10 block route. The step soen off the curbs were several inces under water. The shoes I had on, did NOT like some of the sidewalks..they were slate. I was slipping and sliding all over the place...trying not to fall. I did fall TWICE, but just back up and continued on. Kia was awesome. She stopped at every curb and intersection and went around poles and trees. Morristown likes to put little trees in the miccle of the sidewalks.
I was so exhausted by the end of that walk. After getting back to the Seeing Eye, I took a nap before dinner.
At dinner, we all exchange our stories on how it went the first day out in the rain. The dining at the Seeing Eye is awesome...I had some hot tea to help me feel warmer. Felt so water logged!
After dinner, we had another meeting. This tiem, it was about traffic patterns and safety.
So ends another day at the Seeing Eye....ZZzzzzzzz......
Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, July 20 - "D" (Dog) Day!
Thank you all for being patient as Kia and I adjust to life being home. I am FINALLY getting around to telling you the day KIA came into my life.
Kia, like the other 20 dogs in my class, has been raised by a "Puppy" raising family for about 18 months. Kia happened to be raised by a young girl...about 6-9. The young girl had an older brother, parents and some cat and dog pets, other than Kia.
Monday, after lunch is when we were promised our dogs. It has been since our arrival Saturday that we all (Students) have been awaiting this moment. We have no idea what breed we will be getting or anything else about our friend to be.
There is a main lounge for both male and female students upstairs, but on my floorm which was a "Female" floor, there was a smaller lounge for us girls to meet and hang out. The lounge has a few chairs and a couch. It also has a kitchnette and a TV.
A knock came at my door around 1 p.m. or so, it was my instructor, who told me that it is my turn to meet my dog, down in the lounge. I was a bit nervous and excited, but we were told ahead of time to try and be calm and easy when meeting our dog for the first time. The dogs have been through an adjustment already from "Puppy" raiser to 4 months with a trainer at the Seeing Eye, and now they will be handed off again to their new owners. That is a lot of changes for one dog.
I walked down the hall and into the lounge where my instructors were with my dog. They told me her name, breed and color and asked me to call her. I did and here came KIA, just calmy wagging her tail. I hooked her up to the leash I brought and was told to take her to my room and hang out to bond for awhile. So Kia (Heeling so nicely) and I walked back down the hall to my room. I sat on the floor next to the bed by her mat. I calmly pet her and talked to her. Kia kept looking towards to door, as I think she expected the instructors to come and take her back to the kennels. But they didn't. Kia was mine forever now! Kia and I had all afternoon to relax together, so I had her tied down by her mat and I flopped on the bed, with arm hanging over to pet her....and we both fell asleep for awhile. It was a big day for both of us.
The first activity was at 4:30 p.h. and that was to feed and take our dogs out to "Park" (Go potty) out in the designated area. There is a knock at the door and Kia's food bowl is presented. I put a little water in and give her her first meal. She eats IAMS mini chunks-Chicken. 1 1/2 cups 2x a day. After feeding, The harness goes on and we head down the hall and a flight of stairs to go outside. The fenced area i concrete and there are 21 students with 21 dogs, all coaching their dogs to go "Park". Beofre you tell your dog "Parktime", you have to take the harness off out there, as they are NOT allowed to go potty in harness. This will encourage them or let them know that while guiding is OK to stop anywhere and go. We must keep a close eye on their daily routines and constitution. The dogs go out 4 times a day: 5:20 a.m., 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. is the last call. Keeping a regular schedule will help us NOT to have unexpected stops to "Go".
The second activity for Kia and I was to get her into ter harness and go to dinner. The trick comes in learning how to get the dogs under the table in a safe position, so the servers do not step on them and we also have to leave enough room for the other dogs uunder there. So, you lead the dog head first uner the table and turn them around, so their head is facing out...this way, we can better know if they are sniffing or licking or doing other bad behavior under there. This is important, as in a public dining place, you don't want her to do these bad things to strangers. Even now, if Kia licks someone's foot...they say "It's OK....I tell them that it is NOT, as she may try it when someone may object and this is not good. I ask my do-workers to let me know if she bothers them during a meal....I may not "See" or notice all bad behaviors.
After dinner we had a class with our dogs at 6:30 and it got over at about 7:30.
We have 1/2 hour back in our rooms before the "Lat Call" parktime at 8 p.m. Kia, I guess could not wait for that, she "Pee'd" on the time floor in my room. I just cleaned it up and did not get mad, as it has been a HUGE day for both of us and who could blame her? When I took her out at 8p.m of course she did not have to go. She also di not "poop" all day, so I sure hope she would go the next day.
Kia settled onto her mat and we both slept real good the first night!
Kia, like the other 20 dogs in my class, has been raised by a "Puppy" raising family for about 18 months. Kia happened to be raised by a young girl...about 6-9. The young girl had an older brother, parents and some cat and dog pets, other than Kia.
Monday, after lunch is when we were promised our dogs. It has been since our arrival Saturday that we all (Students) have been awaiting this moment. We have no idea what breed we will be getting or anything else about our friend to be.
There is a main lounge for both male and female students upstairs, but on my floorm which was a "Female" floor, there was a smaller lounge for us girls to meet and hang out. The lounge has a few chairs and a couch. It also has a kitchnette and a TV.
A knock came at my door around 1 p.m. or so, it was my instructor, who told me that it is my turn to meet my dog, down in the lounge. I was a bit nervous and excited, but we were told ahead of time to try and be calm and easy when meeting our dog for the first time. The dogs have been through an adjustment already from "Puppy" raiser to 4 months with a trainer at the Seeing Eye, and now they will be handed off again to their new owners. That is a lot of changes for one dog.
I walked down the hall and into the lounge where my instructors were with my dog. They told me her name, breed and color and asked me to call her. I did and here came KIA, just calmy wagging her tail. I hooked her up to the leash I brought and was told to take her to my room and hang out to bond for awhile. So Kia (Heeling so nicely) and I walked back down the hall to my room. I sat on the floor next to the bed by her mat. I calmly pet her and talked to her. Kia kept looking towards to door, as I think she expected the instructors to come and take her back to the kennels. But they didn't. Kia was mine forever now! Kia and I had all afternoon to relax together, so I had her tied down by her mat and I flopped on the bed, with arm hanging over to pet her....and we both fell asleep for awhile. It was a big day for both of us.
The first activity was at 4:30 p.h. and that was to feed and take our dogs out to "Park" (Go potty) out in the designated area. There is a knock at the door and Kia's food bowl is presented. I put a little water in and give her her first meal. She eats IAMS mini chunks-Chicken. 1 1/2 cups 2x a day. After feeding, The harness goes on and we head down the hall and a flight of stairs to go outside. The fenced area i concrete and there are 21 students with 21 dogs, all coaching their dogs to go "Park". Beofre you tell your dog "Parktime", you have to take the harness off out there, as they are NOT allowed to go potty in harness. This will encourage them or let them know that while guiding is OK to stop anywhere and go. We must keep a close eye on their daily routines and constitution. The dogs go out 4 times a day: 5:20 a.m., 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. is the last call. Keeping a regular schedule will help us NOT to have unexpected stops to "Go".
The second activity for Kia and I was to get her into ter harness and go to dinner. The trick comes in learning how to get the dogs under the table in a safe position, so the servers do not step on them and we also have to leave enough room for the other dogs uunder there. So, you lead the dog head first uner the table and turn them around, so their head is facing out...this way, we can better know if they are sniffing or licking or doing other bad behavior under there. This is important, as in a public dining place, you don't want her to do these bad things to strangers. Even now, if Kia licks someone's foot...they say "It's OK....I tell them that it is NOT, as she may try it when someone may object and this is not good. I ask my do-workers to let me know if she bothers them during a meal....I may not "See" or notice all bad behaviors.
After dinner we had a class with our dogs at 6:30 and it got over at about 7:30.
We have 1/2 hour back in our rooms before the "Lat Call" parktime at 8 p.m. Kia, I guess could not wait for that, she "Pee'd" on the time floor in my room. I just cleaned it up and did not get mad, as it has been a HUGE day for both of us and who could blame her? When I took her out at 8p.m of course she did not have to go. She also di not "poop" all day, so I sure hope she would go the next day.
Kia settled onto her mat and we both slept real good the first night!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Front Page News!
Kia and I made the front page of our local paper. See the link here in the title.
Next post will be "D" day...the day Kia came into my life!!
Next post will be "D" day...the day Kia came into my life!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day 2 at Seeing Eye
July 19th Sunday
Wake up time: 7 a.m. (We should not get used to this late time...haha)
Breakfast 8 a.m.
8:45 meet in lobby to take a van into Morristown centerfor a
JUNO walk (Instructor pulls and empty harness)
Return to center for a firedrill. (Just like on a
1 p.m. LUNCH (I have not done this much activity before lunch in a long time)
2 p.m. DOGS! Don't get excited, not OUR dogs. Several dogs are brought over from the kennels for us to learn how to handle them. We got to see the different personalities and temperment of the different breeds.
. We then were brought a huge wooden lab to help train us on how to put on a harness. We would not want to be clumsy when we get a real live dog on this process!
. Learned where we are going to be taking our dogs out to "PARK" (Go potty) and how to do that. It was a bog courtyard with a cement like surface and you get your dog to circle you and stay in one small area...this way, you will hopefully know where it went and to clean up. More on this later. So for now, "PARK means taking the dog out to go....
. We were informed that the next day we will have a 6 a.m wake up.....We are in boot camp now folks!!
A lot of work so far and no dog until tomorrow!! I'm POOPED!!
Wake up time: 7 a.m. (We should not get used to this late time...haha)
Breakfast 8 a.m.
8:45 meet in lobby to take a van into Morristown centerfor a
JUNO walk (Instructor pulls and empty harness)
Return to center for a firedrill. (Just like on a
1 p.m. LUNCH (I have not done this much activity before lunch in a long time)
2 p.m. DOGS! Don't get excited, not OUR dogs. Several dogs are brought over from the kennels for us to learn how to handle them. We got to see the different personalities and temperment of the different breeds.
. We then were brought a huge wooden lab to help train us on how to put on a harness. We would not want to be clumsy when we get a real live dog on this process!
. Learned where we are going to be taking our dogs out to "PARK" (Go potty) and how to do that. It was a bog courtyard with a cement like surface and you get your dog to circle you and stay in one small area...this way, you will hopefully know where it went and to clean up. More on this later. So for now, "PARK means taking the dog out to go....
. We were informed that the next day we will have a 6 a.m wake up.....We are in boot camp now folks!!
A lot of work so far and no dog until tomorrow!! I'm POOPED!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Day 1 at Seeing Eye
July 18, Saturday
Chris and Karissa from Stony Point drove myself and Gary (Hubby) from Stony Point, NY to Morristown, NJ to the Seeing Eye. We arrived just after 11 am. and were greeted by Erin, one of my instructiors. Today was Erin's birthday!! This also was Erin's 1st class. She has been in many other capacities at the Seeing Eye and seems to really be enjoying this part.
After doing a little unpacking, Erin came to introduce herself and give a few notes on what we will be doing the rest of the day.
Lunch was first on the agenda...which is wonderful! The kitchen staff is so helpful and after getting to know what you like...continued to bring your beverage of choice to meals.
More unpacking after lunch and went on a JUNO walk with Erin. At this point they know whaich dog they have in mind, but are still evaluationg your personality and strengths. The JUNO walk is with the trainer pulling/guiding you with a empty harness. They can tell how fast or slow you like to walk and how much "pull" you can take with the dog.
Dinner next...Yum,,,,
7 p.m. meeting in the "Common Lounge" and we received a leash, a tie down, a comb and brush for grooming. We learned more about the facility and what to expect. After the meeting I got a tour of the computer/tech lab. No tech people will be available til I can ask questions then. It seems that the PC's are all set up with talking software, which I do not use.
Very exciting day and I was exhausted by the end. I also found out the there are 4-5 students per instructor. Erin has 4 of us: Stacy,Arthur, Seth and me! Thesecond instructor is Shawn, who is a "Shadow Trainer", as this is Erin's first class. So we got 2 instructors for the price of 1!!!
Chris and Karissa from Stony Point drove myself and Gary (Hubby) from Stony Point, NY to Morristown, NJ to the Seeing Eye. We arrived just after 11 am. and were greeted by Erin, one of my instructiors. Today was Erin's birthday!! This also was Erin's 1st class. She has been in many other capacities at the Seeing Eye and seems to really be enjoying this part.
After doing a little unpacking, Erin came to introduce herself and give a few notes on what we will be doing the rest of the day.
Lunch was first on the agenda...which is wonderful! The kitchen staff is so helpful and after getting to know what you like...continued to bring your beverage of choice to meals.
More unpacking after lunch and went on a JUNO walk with Erin. At this point they know whaich dog they have in mind, but are still evaluationg your personality and strengths. The JUNO walk is with the trainer pulling/guiding you with a empty harness. They can tell how fast or slow you like to walk and how much "pull" you can take with the dog.
Dinner next...Yum,,,,
7 p.m. meeting in the "Common Lounge" and we received a leash, a tie down, a comb and brush for grooming. We learned more about the facility and what to expect. After the meeting I got a tour of the computer/tech lab. No tech people will be available til I can ask questions then. It seems that the PC's are all set up with talking software, which I do not use.
Very exciting day and I was exhausted by the end. I also found out the there are 4-5 students per instructor. Erin has 4 of us: Stacy,Arthur, Seth and me! Thesecond instructor is Shawn, who is a "Shadow Trainer", as this is Erin's first class. So we got 2 instructors for the price of 1!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Photo of KIA and Me!
Hey eveyone, you deserve at least a photo of me and my new all have been so patient with me! So, here is the photo....more details to follow....even the story of one of the dogs that tried to eat a guys underwear....hahahahaha
This photo was taken by one of my trainers. It is "On the Green" in Morristown, NJ. THe statue is of the first fuide dog at Seeing Eye "Buddy" and his owner Frank Morris.
This photo was taken by one of my trainers. It is "On the Green" in Morristown, NJ. THe statue is of the first fuide dog at Seeing Eye "Buddy" and his owner Frank Morris.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hey all,
Sorry I have not kept you up to date on guide dog school....I did not get access to a PC while at the Seeing Eye.
But I am home now and will recount for you how it all went. I just need a couple of days to re-coup.
My dog's name is KIA and she is a black lab and 48 lbs. She is amazing!!!
It is great to be home and keeping a normal person's was like doggie boot camp.....haha
Stay tuned...
Sorry I have not kept you up to date on guide dog school....I did not get access to a PC while at the Seeing Eye.
But I am home now and will recount for you how it all went. I just need a couple of days to re-coup.
My dog's name is KIA and she is a black lab and 48 lbs. She is amazing!!!
It is great to be home and keeping a normal person's was like doggie boot camp.....haha
Stay tuned...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
1 Day and counting...
Saturday norning.....on the road to Morristown. Leaving 9:30 in the morning and be on my own until Aug 13th. Well, not on my own...with a new guide! WooHoo!!
Keep checking here....
Keep checking here....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
YouTube Videos......
Hello all,
Here is the YouTube link that I will be using to post some videos from guide dog school:
I have a couple of old videos alreay on there for you to check out, while you wait for me to post my new doggie's video.
1. Me feeding a Giraffe in New Mexico last may ask why? Because it was on my "Bucket List" to pet a giraffe.
2. 5K race last year through the Lincoln Tunnel from New Jersey to New York and back in the South was WAY COOL!
Here is the YouTube link that I will be using to post some videos from guide dog school:
I have a couple of old videos alreay on there for you to check out, while you wait for me to post my new doggie's video.
1. Me feeding a Giraffe in New Mexico last may ask why? Because it was on my "Bucket List" to pet a giraffe.
2. 5K race last year through the Lincoln Tunnel from New Jersey to New York and back in the South was WAY COOL!
Hello all,
I have a couple of videos on YouTube....and will be putting some guide dog school photos SOON! So start to go and get used to the site you don't miss those doggie videos!
1. Feeding a giraffe - Because it was on my bucket list. This was in New Mexico last year.
2. 5K race through the Lincoln Tunnel. From New Jersey to New York through the South tube. It was WAY COOL!
I have a couple of videos on YouTube....and will be putting some guide dog school photos SOON! So start to go and get used to the site you don't miss those doggie videos!
1. Feeding a giraffe - Because it was on my bucket list. This was in New Mexico last year.
2. 5K race through the Lincoln Tunnel. From New Jersey to New York through the South tube. It was WAY COOL!
Dog Bed?
Just thinking that I will need to get a dog bed for the I want to welcome him home and have it ready. But...I don't know what size the dog will be and I should wait and see what the school says is the best type of bed. So, I guess I might have to have Gary and friends....go get a bed while I'm away and have it ready.
And what about doggie dishes and food and ...and...and....
Just thinking that I will need to get a dog bed for the I want to welcome him home and have it ready. But...I don't know what size the dog will be and I should wait and see what the school says is the best type of bed. So, I guess I might have to have Gary and friends....go get a bed while I'm away and have it ready.
And what about doggie dishes and food and ...and...and....
Monday, July 13, 2009
Advice: Bring good shoes
I receieved some advice on a online support group I belong to...BRING GOOG SHOES
There will be lots of walking and maybe faster than I am used to. Now, I have to walk more cautiously...with the dog...more confident and probably faster.
I am bringing 3 pairs.
1) Good strong sneakers
3) Crocs (Gotta love em)
3) Old sneakers with Velcro across the top...that is too old to stay put and keep popping open....hummmmm...maybe i should leave these home? Or I could pin them closed before going out...they are so comfy
What do you think?
There will be lots of walking and maybe faster than I am used to. Now, I have to walk more cautiously...with the dog...more confident and probably faster.
I am bringing 3 pairs.
1) Good strong sneakers
3) Crocs (Gotta love em)
3) Old sneakers with Velcro across the top...that is too old to stay put and keep popping open....hummmmm...maybe i should leave these home? Or I could pin them closed before going out...they are so comfy
What do you think?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Supporter Question.....R-E-L-I-E-F
So, someone asked the question: How will she (me) know when the dog has to go "P" amd "Poop".
So what do you all think about this? :)
Just leave a comment.
So what do you all think about this? :)
Just leave a comment.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
One More Week!
Can you believe more week! At this time next Saturday, I will be in a car-heading to the Seeing Eye in Morristown,NJ! Still got lots to do to get Gary (Hubby) ready to be home alone for 26 days! We have been married over 35 years and not apart for more than a week at a time!
Got the new iPhone that has accessability options that are handy for the visually impaired. Hopefully I can learn to take a photo and upload to provide all of you access to the photos of the new dog....maybe even a few seconds of video....we'll see!
Got the new iPhone that has accessability options that are handy for the visually impaired. Hopefully I can learn to take a photo and upload to provide all of you access to the photos of the new dog....maybe even a few seconds of video....we'll see!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
So the other night I had a dream about German Shepards...does this mean i am going to get one at guide dog school> Let's wait and see....12 More days!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
What kind of dog?
Everyone keeps asking me: What kind of dog are you going to get?"
The three main breeds used are Labs, Retreivers and Shepards.
I will arrive on Saturday around lunch (July 18th) and I understand we do some "JUNO" walks Sunday and they can better evaluate each student. JUNO walk is where the instructor leads you around, pulling on the is a funny thing to see! I can't wait to give an insturctor doggie commands....haha There are 4-6 students per instructor. Total number of students is about 18.
Monday, July 20th, after lunch, is when we will be matched up with our dogs. Until then, we will have no idea what kid of dog we will each get. I will post a photo as soon as I can after that.
The name is already given to the dog, so we don't have a choice on that. They are all unique won't want womeone calling FIDO to their dog and distracting your a unique name is important. As I understand now, you need to use your dog's name before each command.
I am wondering how I will live without my cane. I have used it for several years and it really helps me....especiall going down curbs and steps. It will be difficult for me to relinquish control to the dog on this one....but I will learn for sure!!
The cane helped me to know the DEPTH of each step and go with confidence down (or up).
The three main breeds used are Labs, Retreivers and Shepards.
I will arrive on Saturday around lunch (July 18th) and I understand we do some "JUNO" walks Sunday and they can better evaluate each student. JUNO walk is where the instructor leads you around, pulling on the is a funny thing to see! I can't wait to give an insturctor doggie commands....haha There are 4-6 students per instructor. Total number of students is about 18.
Monday, July 20th, after lunch, is when we will be matched up with our dogs. Until then, we will have no idea what kid of dog we will each get. I will post a photo as soon as I can after that.
The name is already given to the dog, so we don't have a choice on that. They are all unique won't want womeone calling FIDO to their dog and distracting your a unique name is important. As I understand now, you need to use your dog's name before each command.
I am wondering how I will live without my cane. I have used it for several years and it really helps me....especiall going down curbs and steps. It will be difficult for me to relinquish control to the dog on this one....but I will learn for sure!!
The cane helped me to know the DEPTH of each step and go with confidence down (or up).
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Book to Read
"Safe and Sound" by Beth Finke
This book is written to help children know how to deal with a guide dog. It is from the dog's perspective....really cute and great illustrations. Adults can learn from this too.
I bought it to give to friends and family who have children...this way, when I come home from the Seeing Eye, they will have an idea on what to expect. You can get this book on Amazon or The Seeing Eyee website.
This book is written to help children know how to deal with a guide dog. It is from the dog's perspective....really cute and great illustrations. Adults can learn from this too.
I bought it to give to friends and family who have children...this way, when I come home from the Seeing Eye, they will have an idea on what to expect. You can get this book on Amazon or The Seeing Eyee website.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
18 More days!!!
Hey all,
Got 18 more days to go. Lots to do before I go. Need more summer cloths, as it is hot on the streets in Morristown,NJ. I really did not want to go in summer...but do not want to give up the opportunity to get a guide dog sooner than the end of August!!
The cataract surgery went well the other day and I do have some clarity in the left eye now. It is better than my right now....My glasses are no good any longer....gotta get some new ones. Hey, maybe I'll see the third line on the eye chart....who knows?
There are several books on guide dogs, you can check it out on I bought a couple to lend to some folks with kids, it will help them know how to deal with and act around a guide dog when I get back.
The Seeing Eye also will provide a video for Gary (Spouse) on how to handle a guide dog when I come home. The Do's and Don'ts. If you check out the Seeing Eye web can also purchase the books and videos there:
Got 18 more days to go. Lots to do before I go. Need more summer cloths, as it is hot on the streets in Morristown,NJ. I really did not want to go in summer...but do not want to give up the opportunity to get a guide dog sooner than the end of August!!
The cataract surgery went well the other day and I do have some clarity in the left eye now. It is better than my right now....My glasses are no good any longer....gotta get some new ones. Hey, maybe I'll see the third line on the eye chart....who knows?
There are several books on guide dogs, you can check it out on I bought a couple to lend to some folks with kids, it will help them know how to deal with and act around a guide dog when I get back.
The Seeing Eye also will provide a video for Gary (Spouse) on how to handle a guide dog when I come home. The Do's and Don'ts. If you check out the Seeing Eye web can also purchase the books and videos there:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Cateract Surgery
Cateract surgery went well the day before yesterday. it is healing well. It will take take a few weeks to see any major improvements. However, I can already see better in the operated eye than the other (That used to be my better eye. The surgery does NOT correct the disease in the eye (RP-Retinitis Pigmentosa). The tunnel vision is still there and the "Foggy vision is still ther. This is a complicated disease. See the link to the Foundation Fighting Blindness to see a good description of retinal diseases and there effect on vision:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
This is SKIPPY, my Yorkie that passed away a few years ago....he is at the Raiinbow Bridge!

I have doing some research and asking a lot of questions and have a better idea on what to expect the first few days at guide dog school.
July 18th Saturday: Arrival by lunch time and orientation
July 19th Sunday: More orientation and "JUNO" walks
JUNO walk is when the instructor takes hold of the harness and leads
you around as you learn the commands and feel for the harness. This
is a grea time to learn the basics BEFORE you get the dong and maybe confuse it
with incorrect or incomplete commands.
July 20th Monday: Woo Hoo. Dogs are disbursed and I will finally meet my new friend
and companion. This happens usually after lunch.
Of course this is what has happened in the past...I will give the the real scoop as it happens.
Keep watch here for more...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Great News!
The August 29th date for my stay at guide dog school has been moved up to JULY 18th!!
YIKES...that's only a few weeks away! Lots to do before going away for 26 days! So much to do, so little time.
This is exciting, as I really did not want to wait until the end of August to get this project underway. It will be hotter than I planned to be during all the outdoor training.
As I understand it, we will be out in the town of Morristown everyday. YIKES...gotta get those summer cloths out!
Celebration time! Keep posted for more of this exciting journey! I will have a picture of me and the dog as soon as possible
School starts on July 18th and us students will get their dogs on Monday, July 20th. We have no choice of the name or breed, and won't know until that day. The three major breeds used are Labs, Goldens and Shepards.
You can check out the facility at :
YIKES...that's only a few weeks away! Lots to do before going away for 26 days! So much to do, so little time.
This is exciting, as I really did not want to wait until the end of August to get this project underway. It will be hotter than I planned to be during all the outdoor training.
As I understand it, we will be out in the town of Morristown everyday. YIKES...gotta get those summer cloths out!
Celebration time! Keep posted for more of this exciting journey! I will have a picture of me and the dog as soon as possible
School starts on July 18th and us students will get their dogs on Monday, July 20th. We have no choice of the name or breed, and won't know until that day. The three major breeds used are Labs, Goldens and Shepards.
You can check out the facility at :
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Independence at Stony Point
So, I had the O&M training and I now can get across the Stony Point Campus myself!! Woo Hoo!! From our little house "Leber" to the main building is a breeze now.
Thank God for O&M training! Can't wait for the dog...I can RUN across campus! haha
Thank God for O&M training! Can't wait for the dog...I can RUN across campus! haha
Friday, May 22, 2009
O&M Training today!
Today, the Rockland County dept. for the visually inpaired is coming to the Stony Point Center campus. Jayne will be helping me to get aroubnd with the cane. So, hopefully I can get to and from the main building by myself! My sister visited a couple of weeks ago and we placed some painted rocks...that helps a lots. It is just when it is a bright sunny day OR dark night....I cannot trust the little vision I have left.
So....still waiting for August 29th and getting my guide dog!
So....still waiting for August 29th and getting my guide dog!
Friday, May 8, 2009
3 Months to go! Mobility Traing.
SO, we still have June,July and August to wait to go to Guide Dog school...I can't wait!!!
In the meantime...the Rockland County dept. for the visually impaired is really slow at providing services. I need help in "Cane Training" to help me find my way around campus.' a problem when you can't find where the food is.....haha!
In the meantime...the Rockland County dept. for the visually impaired is really slow at providing services. I need help in "Cane Training" to help me find my way around campus.' a problem when you can't find where the food is.....haha!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Journey to Independence
On March 24th, 2009, I received my acceptance letter from the "Seeing Eye" in Morriwtown, NJ. Here is the content:
We are pleased to tell you that we have completed the review of your application and that you have been approved for instruction. We are holding a place for you in the August 29, 2009 class. If this doesn’t work with your schedule, please let us know.
In the meantime, we are attaching some information regarding your stay here, along with exercises to help you prepare for training. Also included is a travel form, which we ask that you complete and return to us as soon as possible. This will help us make plans for your travel and accommodations when the time comes.
We look forward to having you join us for training. If you should have any questions in the meantime, let us know, as we will be pleased to answer them for you. Best wishes.
So...It will be a looooong summer waiting to start school. I am so excited. I will keep you all posted as things develop. I could have started sooner, but due to my travel plans, I will just have to wait! ARGH!
Please come back and see what additions I make, as I prepare for the BIG DAY in August!
We are pleased to tell you that we have completed the review of your application and that you have been approved for instruction. We are holding a place for you in the August 29, 2009 class. If this doesn’t work with your schedule, please let us know.
In the meantime, we are attaching some information regarding your stay here, along with exercises to help you prepare for training. Also included is a travel form, which we ask that you complete and return to us as soon as possible. This will help us make plans for your travel and accommodations when the time comes.
We look forward to having you join us for training. If you should have any questions in the meantime, let us know, as we will be pleased to answer them for you. Best wishes.
So...It will be a looooong summer waiting to start school. I am so excited. I will keep you all posted as things develop. I could have started sooner, but due to my travel plans, I will just have to wait! ARGH!
Please come back and see what additions I make, as I prepare for the BIG DAY in August!
guide dog school,
visual impairment
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